Hi guys and girls. Well the university is opening on this Monday that is 2nd of September and the final exams are in December :-) ...
It is a bit short semester though but its good cos jaldi jaldi chutiyan bhe tou ho jain gi naaaaaa. Then home sweet home again. I will put the schedule on this blog and the other site as well. But before that there are a few things that are needed to discuss because some of you are having trouble signing into the comsis or cu online portal so don't worry you can use the following 2 links to sign into the cu online or the comsis portal:

Although the portal for students and parents is the same in every way... Infact it is safe to say k comsats management isn't going to spend some money on this student parent console system in the near future. But any ways Here is the time table for cuonline abbottabad and time table is revised one that includes the classes as well.
Best of luck for FA13th semester. Remember dear friends and students:
sharing is caring so share your assignments and your knowledge during sessionals and quizzes especially during the finalzz. Help your friends and your enemies as well during that time :-). Just kidding every one. If you do care for your friends and your self then just know that you can't go anywhere if you keep on cheating in exams. I don't personally favour cheating but I must add that we can't learn everything so to get good scores and marks we can cheat a little bit but to cheat the entire exams ... well friends that is not good for your careers. Just learn everything that you can in a fun way and when you are asked in exams just write what you know and if you don't remember at that time so go for it:-) you know what I mean lolz.
So C U ALL ONLINE NEXT TIME YOU VISIT MY BLOG.:-). And I do know that my blog looks like trash now and it was better before but as I said there is some technical issue with this blog so I am planning on shifting to a new address. But I will put link to new site from here plus The new site will contain many things for the users of cu online atd. You will find the time table,the schedule,books and many things more. But that will have to wait cos the other site is still under construction.but you can visit it and check it out. Plus I will be more than happy if you guys/girls have some themes in your mind and want to share with me than please do comment. Also comment about this blog as well. Cos the more you tell me about my blog the better I can make it for you guys. All tips and suggestions from students and faculty and friends are welcome. So feel free to comment.
Bahadur Khan+